Principled and structured: Paving the way and supporting
A KPI-based infrastructure with which small and medium-sized companies can meet challenges themselves. That is the primary objective of ahmc. Whether it is by way of joint projects or regular consultations, my clients obtain adequate tools for using key business parameters as a solid basis for performance management. Those responsibles are involved in all activities and thought processes, allowing them to stay in control. Upon completion of the assignment all results remain with the client – including detailed documentation. This enables tracking of individual measures at any time, and if necessary to follow up on them, with recourse to all existing concepts and approaches.Standards required for successful cooperation
My clients’ satisfaction and success are important to me. To enable me to contribute equally effectively and efficiently, all concerned parties must act in concert – according to common principles. The secret to success has been:Professionalism and intense targeting:
Issues are addressed in an emotion-free, pragmatical and results-oriented manner – drawing on all available information and in particular the key data as the most reliable constant. Tasks are quickly defined, clearly prioritised and promptly executed.Commitment and consistency:
Clear agreements with regard to deadlines, tasks or invoicing are not only made, but also adhered to. My client's promises and decisions are taken seriously, and I assume that he will also take the agreed path to the end – with persistence and determination.Partnership and trust:
All parties involved work hand in hand and treat each other with appreciation and respect. Active listening to one another is just as much part of this as communication, exchange of information, co-ordination and consultation. Moreover, everyone must be able to rely on everyone else.Loyalty and confidentiality:
The client's objectives are the yardstick for everything I do. Objectives that must be faithfully pursued by the two parties, both internally and externally. One-on-one meetings and inside information are treated with strict confidentiality, as are details of the cooperation itself.Open-mindedness and dedication:
Based on the current situation, both the client and ahmc are open for all necessary steps and will implement decisions to the best of their ability. With flexibility and full commitment, together we can achieve at once effective and sustainable solutions.Step by step closer to objectives
Corporate success requires structures, including a tactical approach. That is even more important when it's a matter of securing the future, crisis management or survival tactics. Yet irrespective of the requests brought to me by a company, with clearly defined steps we will find answers that provide security and move us ahead. In general, the procedure specifies as follows:
Step 1: Free initial contact and proposal
In response to enquiries I arrange a visit at short notice to the client's site, for introduction and presentation -
check out the situation, discussing the client's vision, taking feasibility in account. Clients are delivered an honest assessment
and outline the contribution I can ensure. If a collaboration is decided upon, the details for a proposal and subsequent commissioning are discussed.
Please note: ahmc is strictly committed to fair and true view, focusing the client’s demands. Thus, in the first stage, “no match”
means “no problem”: ahmc won'’t let you down, but assist with finding a network partner matching your distinct requirements.
Step 2: Data acquisition and analysis (appraisal of the situation)
Required data is collected and screened according to a defined process model. This enables weak points and potential to be identified already “at desk”.
The number-based result will be verified on the spot – whether at main office or a subsidiary. Depending on the issue in hand,
appropriate fieldwork is provided midst the "place of event": from development, production and storage to administration, sales and marketing, IT or quality management.
I observe workflows and talk to the employees, upon request also with suppliers, other business partners and competitors (as far as possible).
In this way I obtain valuable additional information for a comprehensive, realistic picture.
Step 3: Data preparation and evaluation
The collected figures and information is documented, clearly laid out and evaluated: with a sketch of the background, thoughts and considerations,
as well as the path to the final assessment.So, facts and circumstances are transparent and comprehensible also to persons with only a few previous business management
experience. After all, everyone concerned should be able to understand the role played in particular by
the key data, what they reveal and how they came about. With this knowledge, those responsibles in each case should be in a position to not only
understand the current business situation and appropriately control it. They should also be able to effectively tackle issues in future.
Step 4: Methodical consulting and concept development
Based on the results, comprehensive advice, action recommendations and completely finalized solutions are provided to ahmc clients.
Presentation of options and alternative settings included. ahmc does not trust in smart theories, but prefer to rely on field-proven methods:
Methods without incalculable secondary effects or long-term consequences. The solution offered should not only take effect quickly and efficiently;
it should also be compatible and sustainable. Depending on the assignment, thus my work may already have been completed. For now it is merely a question
of implementing essential measures. But here again, you may rely on continued ahmc support.
Step 5: Implementation and follow-up support
Upon request ahmc will supervise the implementation of measures as project manager or in a backstage capacity. Depending on requirements,
on-site presence or remote support for the process will be provided. ahmc always is ready to help with words and deeds, monitoring results and sequences,
including documentation. In the event of recognised deviations, corrective action will be taken quickly to put activities back on track, until targets are achieved.
All this takes place, of course, in close consultation with the client and responsible employees. Even after closing of the project ahmc is reliable responsive
business partner. Indeed, to me follow-up support is part of the service – to a reasonable extent even at no additional expense.
While the implemented measures demonstrate their worth in day-to-day routines, further needs may become apparent. There may be the need to check up on previous activities or look into the expedience of follow-up projects. In such cases clients are often glad to come back to me.